Friday, July 30, 2010

Lake George

The Sagamore Resort, in Bolton Landing, as seen from the waters of Lake GeorgeNot too shabby a place for a summer conference...
A dinner cruise... really nice! We were on the top boat, the Lac Du Saint Sacrement
but the bottom boat is a slightly smaller one that passed by us on the water.The picture below it , though you can hardly tell, is a guy standing in the water, FISHING. He caught a couple, walked them back to the beach, and went back out with fresh bait on his pole. No idea what kind of fish you would catch in Lake George, especially right near where people and dogs swim?  I thought of Coloradocaster when I took that one! The kayak? Yeah, definitely more my speed. I LOVE kayaking. It's a beautiful lake. The lower pictures with the trees remind me a little bit of Lake Tahoe, but not enough that I'd rather be at Lake George. Lake Tahoe is one of the most gorgeous lakes on earth, and I'd ALWAYS rather be there. But, since I live in NY, I realize need to also enjoy and celebrate the beautiful places NY has, too. And although I don't love living in NY by a long shot, we DO have some nice places here. Lake George is one of them.


Allmycke said...

Isn't that what we have to do all the time - learn to like the place and time we live in... In the meantime it's important to not losse sight of your dreams and wishes!

Dog Hair in my Coffee said...

Yes! I love that you understand both parts - the need to be present and enjoy where my life has me, now, but also that it's not wrong to know there is a whole glorious world out there, waiting for me to explore when I can! And, I also know how very lucky I am to have already been so many places. Because I have, it makes me want to go to so many more, but I also have a huge stockpile of memories of the gorgeous places I've been lucky enough to have visited already. But not Sweden yet, and you KNOW that's on my list!!!

Coloradocasters said...

Breathtaking photos of a big piece of water- Absolutely gorgeous! Dinner cruise…that sounds quite enchanting actually.

<”I thought of Coloradocaster when I took that one!”> You have no idea how long I have waited to hear someone say that. Thank you so much.

Karen Sue said...

so haw WARM is lake george?? We vacationed at Lake Michigan and after making the servations, friends warned me that it would be COLD, and whether it is just because it is a hot year, the water was perfect.
And I was admiring the Sagamore, the thinking that I had been there in a former life for a 18-20 years ago!!